Snake River Overview

Located in the southernmost reaches of Yellowstone National Park, the Snake River is often forgotten and overlooked as a destination for wade fishermen. The Snake inside the Park requires a little footwork to reach, but short hikes can land the angler in remote backcountry locations, with fantastic scenery and fly fishing. Another attraction of the Snake is the chance to catch yet another native Cutthroat of this region, the Snake River Finespot.



As far back as you have time and are willing to hike, the Snake River will continue to provide long boulder filled runs, deep glides, and sexy riffle corners that are all begging for a fly tiers gaudy, rubber-legged, foam, late night creation. Surrounded by dense stands of Lodge pole Pines and interspersed with grassy meadows, the Snake is framed by the Mountain ranges that dominate the southern portion of Yellowstone. A long delicate cast into the many fine runs of the Snake will garner the interest of its finny natives.


Baetis on Orvis CFO_1_Apr_2009.jpg

Salmonflies: June 20th - July 15th

Goldenstone: July 1st - July 20th

Green Drakes: July 5th - July 25th

Hydropsyche Caddis: July 5th - August 10th

Terrestrials: July 15th - September 30th

Pale Morning Duns: June 20th - August 1st

Baetis Mayflies: September 1st - September 30th

Special Notes

Not only is the Snake River home to Native Cutthroat, but a few Brown trout are also inhabitants of this fine trout river. The Snake, like many of the Park’s rivers, is a great dry fly stream. Searching the water, even when there are not any aquatic insects around, can provide an extremely action packed day. Keep an eye out for this river's namesake, although the cute little garter snakes are neither dangerous nor poisonous.